Why renovate your home?
The time in which we live leads us to search for ideal solutions for ideal living conditions on the subject of home. The financial crisis has greatly changed our selection criteria for the purchase or renovation of a new apartment.
Most of us choose to renovate an apartment instead of a real estate purchase that is in fact unprofitable due to ongoing taxes and the financial distress.
Keeping than in mind , we need to learn some basics, in order the outcome after a home renovation to be satisfying in aspects of finance and aesthetic and to meet our expectations.
Choosing the expert in home renovation
The first and foremost rule of thumb is to choose a coordinator to renovate your site. This means to have in charge of everything someone with knowhow abilities and who is of course an engineer ,or a company by concluding a contract where you will be guaranteed that everything will be executed exactly and as you like.
In some cases that someone attempted to manage a home renovation on their own, the failure rate was large enough that the outcomehad technical errors and deviated from the original financial objective. This is logical because the lack of experience does not allow a proper management of the various tasks that you have chosen and also dealing with various technical issues that may come up.
The company that will undertake the design, renovation or construction is your future partner and assistant. It is there for you to make things easy . Not the other way around.
Cost of renovating a house
Your first goal is to avoid any deviation above 10-15% from the money you want to spend . If you exceed this percent you can also have a great result but in the end you will always say that it cost you a lot.
Each renovation project is unique and depends on the value of the property and its intended use (home ownership, occupancy, business, country house, etc.). Based on this, but most importantly on the financing options you have, determine the amount of money you think you it is worth spending.
Please be aware that if you do not follow an organized method of construction and renovation (with plans and pre-determined work), the cost can increase up to 30%. During discharges (eg sheds, siphon replacement in the bathroom, etc.) technical failures arise that we cannot know and estimate from the start.
An expert can advise you as well as guide you on the planning of the tasks required and the amount of money you need to spend.
Our company can offer you an economical offer and suggest projects that will increase the market value of your home if you need to rent or sell your property. Meanwhile, if you like to see some very useful home renovation ideas, be sure to visit our complete renovation project page.
What do you need to know about renovating your home?
Essential information in proper management of a renovation is the age of a property that will be renovated and so if it is over 30-35 years old there are some key points to keep in mind.
In case of general renovation it is certain that your plumbing , the water supply system and possibly the floor pipettes in your bathrooms should be replaced. The power panel must also be up-to-date to provide security.
Exterior frames should be changed if you want to have a better atmosphere in your home away from the heat and cold, which will benefit your wallet as well.
The Steps Our Company Follow
STEP 1: We listen to what our customers want and suggest solutions
Before starting a study, there is a general discussion about:
Functional needs to be met
Design style you would like to follow
Questionsconcerns about specific issues
We share our thoughts and suggestions for ideal solutions, which are a conclusion of our first discussion. Obviously, a proper professional solution is not produced with hurry and rush.
It is the result of creative thinking, composition, inspiration, ideas imprinted on paper, sketches, drawings and final representations. The professional engineer now has all the information in his or her hands to begin the study
We make a plan for the amount of time a renovation will take and specify this time in which we want the work to be completed. We make an offer that includes detailed technical descriptions of the work and materials needed, which obliges us as a company to comply with our original commitments. Please note that our materials are all of high quality and always therenovation project is based on their quality.
STEP 2: During our first meet in your place
Initially, a first visit of our company at your place is necessary. The company is appointing to an engineer to come to your place and record all the necessary data. The consulting engineer observes and understands different things from you because of his experience .
He checks the nearby environment, the neighboring buildings, the style of the area, the natural light, the orientation and the movement, elements that are unique in your place.
In addition to the previous experience of the contractor company, the team that usually supports it, the trusted partners and craftsmen it employs, the constant scrutiny and supervision exercised at all stages of the project, and even the familiarity among the technicians due to their coexistence in the same workplaces for many times isa benefit in the final quality of the project.
You can turn to organized companies that undertake all theproject in its entirety (from the fisrt design to the final screw), so you will not worry about the outcome.
Our workshops are all specialized and each one has its own part ,meaning that there is no craft man who does many tasks. You will find in them the clean way with which they operate, the discretion with which they perform the work and the devotion they show in public areas and other fixed assets.
STEP 3:Record your needs
We capture your place by accurately measuring every aspect. We start with the overall dimensions and we measure the individual length. We measure the heights and note the openings and interior frames. We even record with a laser and ribbon the elements of the building structure (eg) beams, columns, elements, as well as any electrical and plumbing fittings.
Lightweight constructions such as drywall walls, hanging ceilings are also recorded! This method completes a recording of the existing building / space, creating a ‘radiograph’ for the consultant engineer. Then, with the imprinted plan and the photographs as a guide, he will study and proceed with solutions and suggestions.
Demolitions and drainage are the first stage of work. They usually concern non-load-bearing structural elements, such as partitions and, rarely, exterior masonry.
Particular caution is advised in older structures where usually the entire masonry is load bearing and any arbitrary alteration may affect the static of the building.
For exterminations (in kitchen, bathroom, floors, cupboards, walk-in closets, interior frames, etc.) things are more easyfor the building, but they must be done by experienced craftsmen to avoid failure in this process.
An initiative to renovate a kitchen, bathroom, floor, roof or the entire home without a complete cost estimate could lead to problems, even in debt, or at least delay in the plans. The advice and supervision of an engineer will protect you from making the wrong decisions.